WordPress plugin

最終更新日 January 26, 2023

With our WordPress plugin, you can use a shortcode to easily shorten links.. You just need to download it below and upload it in WordPress and that is it. There is no need to configure it as it will be already configured for you. All of your links will be saved in your account.

To set up the WordPress plugin:

  1. Head to the Tools & Integration section in your  account
  2. Download the WordPress plugin from your account
  3. Go to your WordPress admin panel, navigate to Plugins, and select Add New
  4. Choose the option to upload a plugin and select the file named linkshortenershortcode.zip that you downloaded earlier
  5. Install and activate the plugin, which will be named Link Shortener Shortcode.

With this plugin, you can easily shorten links and safely store them in your link shortener account, all within your WordPress website.

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